
The Poolsafe Quality Management Scheme (Poolsafe®) is an independent assessment of public lifeguarded pools.

Poolsafe® is a voluntary management system designed by the industry for the industry. Poolsafe® involves peer-to-peer assessment of public lifeguarded pools, assisting your facility to meet best practice standards. 

How we can help you

We help aquatic facilities joining the scheme meet Poolsafe® criteria through advice and guidance. You’ll also have access to resources and templates. 

Poolsafe® members

Join the Poolsafe® scheme for an annual fee of $950 + GST.  Further costs will incur if your facility doesn’t meet all requirements.

Poolsafe® membership

Poolsafe® assessors

Meet the Poolsafe® assessors or become a Poolsafe® assessor.

Poolsafe® assessors

Poolsafe® incident reviews

What to do if a notifiable event occurs at your Poolsafe® facility.

Poolsafe® incident reviews 

Poolsafe® signage

Check out our range of Poolsafe® signage available for purchase.

Poolsafe® signage

Poolsafe® Annual Report

See the Poolsafe® Annual Report


Poolsafe® assessors use the New Zealand Register of Recreation Professionals (NZRRP) to verify lifeguard qualifications.

To ensure your lifeguard's qualifications can be verified:

Please note: Poolsafe® is awarded to individual facilities. This means each facility needs its own unique account. Lifeguards can link to many facilities, if they work at more than one.

More information

Have a question about Poolsafe® or need help? 

Email Rhiann Collins: rhiann@nzrecreation.org.nz