Mahi Ngātahi

In 2024, we’re undertaking a review of our constitution and governance. We’ve set this up as a project we’ve called Mahi Ngātahi, Working Together.

Tuia ki runga, tuia ki raro, tuia ēra tikanga ki ēnei tikanga, tuia te ngākau ki te whenua, ki te tāngata, kia tipu, kia manahua, kia ora tātou.

Unite above, below, unite those customs, with these customs, unite our hearts to the land, to the people, so they may grow, so they may flourish, forward into existence thank you all.

Project overview with Kuruho

The purpose of this project is to first consider what changes may be needed to further enact our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

At the same time, we’ll be reviewing our Constitution to consider any changes that are needed to comply with the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

Read our current Constitution of New Zealand Recreation Association Incorporated

We don’t anticipate any changes will be made to the Board size, composition (elected vs appointed members) or powers.


To understand why this project came about, visit Mahi Ngātahi Governance Review.

Project team

The project team consists of:

  • Project Sponsor: Sarah Murray 
  • Project Lead: Kuruho Wereta 
  • Recreation Aotearoa Board: Michele Frey or Bobbi-Jo Heu; Watene Hema 
  • Te Kāhui Kura Māori: Tracey Lee Repia; Johnnie Freeland 
  • Regional Advisory Group: Katie Gough 
  • Generate/Recreation Aotearoa Aspiring Director: Brittany White 
  • Communications: Olivia Silverwood

Project timeline

A flow chart outlining the timeline for Mahi Ngātahi