Poolsafe® incident review
What is a ‘notifiable event’?
A notifiable event is a serious incident or event, including injury, illness or death.
Find definitions and explanations of notifiable events on the WorkSafe website.
Post notifiable event checklist
This checklist outlines the steps senior management should take following a notifiable event.
Notifiable event review
We recommend you undertake an independent review of notifiable events at your facility, either by your health and safety staff or an independent organisation.
We can link you with an independent organisation. Get in touch with Rhiann Collins via email: rhiann@nzrecreation.org.nz .
What happens during a notifiable event review?
- Your facility will be visited to gather information.
- Using findings from the visit, an impartial report will be prepared.
- The report will be provided to the facility manager, confidentially.
Key findings from these reviews should be shared with Recreation Aotearoa. This will help us to improve overall best practice for the aquatics industry. Rest assured, details of the facility and people involved will not be shared.
Annual incident reviews
All Poolsafe facilities must provide information for the annual incident review.
This information is invaluable for comparing statistics against previous years. It’s important all facilities provide incident information.
All information you share with us will be kept in strictest confidence. We won’t name individual facilities. Any information provided will only be used as quantitative industry numbers, for example: “The total number of visits to Poolsafe Pools was X.”