Poolsafe® membership
Aotearoa has 214 public pools. Over 150 of these are Poolsafe® members.
It comprises an online compontent followed by an onsite visit from an assessor.
Poolsafe® is not a ‘pass or fail system’.
See a list of current Poolsafe® pools
Poolsafe® Level 1
Your facility meets all Poolsafe® standards at the first visit. No follow-up required.
Membership fee: $1000 +GST
Poolsafe® Level 2
Your facility meets most standards at the first visit but fails on some.
A follow up visit is required by an assessor to ensure compliance has been met and change has been undertaken based on assessor feedback.
For significant failures, our Aquatics Programme Manager can support you to meet Poolsafe® requirements.
Additional cost: $1000 +GST to help you meet Poolsafe® standards.
What happens if I fail to meet Poolsafe® standards?
Facilities will be removed from the Poolsafe® scheme if:
- they fail consistently at the initial visit and after two follow up visits.
- do not provide evidence that Poolsafe® standards have been met, or that assessor feedback has been actioned.
If your facility is removed, a letter will be sent to the property owner and any partners advising of non-compliance. Worksafe New Zealand and Water Safety New Zealand will also be notified.
Become a Poolsafe® pool
Email Rhiann Collins to apply: rhiann@nzrecreation.org.nz