Dana Carver

Dana Carver

Dana has over twenty years experience in the Health and Wellbeing sector. She has a degree in psychology with post graduate studies in physiology and is a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer and wellness coach. She is currently the Wellbeing Specialist for DairyNZ and previously managed and directed a wellness centre which worked with local GPs to offer lifestyle solutions as a substitute or supplement to medication. She has served over 400 clients, both individuals and organisations. She is responsible for initiating the GoodYarn licensing programme, which has allowed GoodYarn to become a nationwide resource. She is passionate about mental health literacy and seeing GoodYarn embedded into all industries and organisations.

Who's speaking?

The 2021 conference features an impressive line-up of expert speakers for each sector stream.

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Field Trip

This year our field trip will take us to Whakarewarewa The Living Māori Village where we will learn about the onsite urupā (cemetery) and burial practices. Attendees will also be able to meet with and hear from local council and cemetery officials.

View field trip

The conference programme will provoke discussion on the global/local issues that will impact our future participants and our society.

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