Outdoor recreation in a superdiverse NZ

INSIGHTS: Outdoor recreation in a superdiverse NZ

New Zealand is an increasingly diverse nation - a rich cultural mix of peoples from the Asia, the Pacific and elsewhere. More than half of our population will be Asian, Maori and Pasifika by 2038, yet it is these groups who are significantly less likely to participate in most forms of outdoor recreation.

Asian migrants enjoy day walks and want outdoor recreation activities with family and friends. Maori are more likely to go hunting or fishing in the outdoors than all other groups. NZ Pacific Islanders find cost is a barrier.

As Dr Michelle Schaaf said in Wilderness Magazine, "Going mountaineering by yourself may be seen by others as individualistic and selfish - what purpose does it serve?"

Our Insights include information about the participation patterns, motivations and barriers of diverse groups, and some easy to apply tactics to increase engagement of different ethnicities in outdoor recreation. Read the first in our Insights series, and to find out more including links to research, podcasts and webinars.

Read INSIGHTS: Outdoor recreation in a superdiverse NZ now

What's next?

Working with a network of thought leaders in the sector, the Recreation Aotearoa Insights Team have a programme of publications in development.

We welcome your feedback: insights@nzrecreation.org.nz

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