Active NZ


Sport NZ's Active NZ (2017) survey is the first in four years - and the first ever to include both young people and adults. Its findings provide important insights into the changing landscape of participation in active recreation and sport in New Zealand.

People participate in a huge range of activities in varied places and spaces. Gender, age, impairments - both visible or invisible, socio-economic status and ethnicity all affect what activities people choose, how often they participate, and where they recreate. Motivations and barriers vary depending on all or some of these factors.

Socio-economic status has a major impact on people's active recreation and sport participation - people in deprived areas have lower levels of participation across all activities.

Recreation Aotearoa Insights generated from the Active NZ Survey includes how different groups participate in recreation activities, and some easy to apply tactics to increase participation. Read the second in our Insights series to find out more.

What's next?

Working with a network of thought leaders in the sector, the Recreation Aotearoa Insights Team have a programme of publications in development.

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