Some of the Yardstick team are in Canada doing audits of their parks benchmarking this month. Its still cold and snowy in places, and its supposed to be Spring!! These are seriously challenging climatic conditions for parks operations and maintenance.

Back here in New Zealand, we are hoping to have the parks benchmarks questionnaire ready for an April release. There are a just few updates to do to the NZ section from the Yardstick Advisory Group to include new questions on community maintenance of paths and tracks, monitoring of parks use, tree maintenance, tree hazard monitoring, dog parks, use of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund, climate change resilience, quality assessment tools, NZRA Open Space Maintenance Specifications, emerging sports trends, and reserve management plans.

If you want to be part of parks or facilities benchmarking, or need to complete user surveys to find out what your community thinks of your levels of service, its not too late to join us. Just contact us at

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