Member Spotlight #1: Kim Wood

We have an excellent base of dedicated members who have really cool jobs! To help promote our membership base and give you a little insight into some of the cool people we work with, we've developed this quick-fire question series. Every month we will introduce you to members from the different industries within the recreation sector. This month we talked with Kim Wood from Waikato District Council....

Your role... Open Spaces Officer at Waikato District Council

What you love most about the sector... I love being able to develop spaces for our diverse communities that provide them with opportunities to connect through recreation and to enjoy nature.

Why you joined Recreation Aotearoa... I saw young people in the amenity horticulture industry had little understanding of potential careers in the sector. I became involved in Recreation Aotearoa because it provided the opportunity to learn about the industry and a network that allowed me to support the career development of my peers.

Favourite part about being a member... Attending Green Pavlova- every time I have been to the Green Pavlova Conference I have met amazing people, learned heaps, been inspired and had so much fun! I always leave the conference re-energised, more passionate than ever and with a head full of great ideas.

One thing you've learned in the last month... Not something I learned last month, but am reminded of every month- the value of a strong team. Our team is a family; we support each other, share our knowledge, our problems and always have a laugh together. We have each other's back and I will always be grateful for that.

Your hopes for our industry... The world is facing the challenges of climate change and I believe our industry can contribute a lot in finding solutions. I hope that there is an increase in recognition of the benefits and solutions that parks and recreation services provide in our communities and our environment.


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