Member Spotlight #5: Sarah Clarke

We have an excellent base of dedicated members who have really cool jobs! To help promote our membership base and give you a little insight into some of the cool people we work with, we've developed this quick-fire question series. Every month we will introduce you to members from the different industries within the recreation sector. This month we talked with Sarah Clarke the Takapuna Pool and Leisure Centre Manager for Auckland Council...

Your role... Takapuna Pool and Leisure Centre Manager for Auckland Council.

What you love most about the sector...The people we get to work with and the people in our communities we get to connect with. There is so much passion in our industry and I don't think everyone gets to experience that.

Why you joined Recreation Aotearoa...To continue my development. As a long time member of NZ Swim Coaches and teacher as well as a board member, I looked to widen my connection with the sector, which now includes being a Poolsafe assessor.

Favourite part about being a member... Being able to connect with people all across the sector, in and out of Aquatics.

One thing you've learned in the last month... With where we are at currently I have learned how amazing my team and workmates are and how resilient we can be together.

Your hopes for our industry... To see more people choose this industry as a career not just a part time job and how it can become so much more to them.


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