INSIGHTS: How's Your Facility Performing?

High-quality facilities enable great leisure experiences, and providers of recreation, places and spaces are careful to meet industry standards. But how do we measure the quality of what we offer?

There is value in looking at what customers think of the facility and services, how the facility is performing over time and comparing how the facility performs in relation to others.

In this issue of Insights, we review why quality is important and outline some approaches to measuring the quality of a facility or park.

Quality provision includes basic measures and looks at what kinds of experiences the facility is offering. Benchmarking the facility against others can offer deeper insight into what you're doing well, and which areas of provision or service might be improved.

We discuss collecting and using the right data to track and monitor progress and highlight potential problem areas or things you might want to do more. We provide examples of the type of data that can be tracked using tools such as Yardstick and others.

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